Ubuntu 16 – Startup Beautification

Hey! I have to admit the fact that I love to use interfaces which look beautiful, and this fondness extends to OS bootup as well. But tweaking around the themes in an OS, which have configurations hidden deep in some root folder, isn’t that straightforward. This article is an effort to allow others to deep … More Ubuntu 16 – Startup Beautification

Ceph Internship – Going down the evolutionary line

What if the evolutionary process of human beings was reversed? Yes, we would be apes by now! The point is that it doesn’t make sense to start with the more evolved version of things and then go down to the basics. It actually makes things look a little messy. That’s the thing that happened with … More Ceph Internship – Going down the evolutionary line

Ceph Internship – Starting off with Ceph Environment Setup

My first blog is to my effort on setting up the Ceph Development Environment. These are the steps I followed to setup a complete development environment: 1. Clone the ceph repository from github: git clone http://github.com/ceph/ceph.git 2. Install requirements: You can find the install-deps.sh file in the root path of ceph repository. Run this script … More Ceph Internship – Starting off with Ceph Environment Setup